
Leglislative Committee

The Legislative Committee conducts political action on behalf of the CalDerm; meets with elected officials to advocate for legislation and policy changes; evaluates candidates for local, state and federal offices representing this community and makes recommendations to the CalDerm political action committees.

Community Outreach Committee

The Community Health Committee shall promote public education on health matters and shall coordinate, conduct, and/or participate in community health programs related to dermatology.  It may maintain liaison for CalDerm with agencies and organizations engaged in the delivery of health care services and health education, and provide advice, assistance and/or leadership for these agencies and organizations whenever feasible.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee leads membership recruitment ideas and other means of demonstrating the benefits of membership to members and nonmembers; it is charged with developing both internal and external communications strategy; and shall supervise existing and future member services/benefits.

CME & Professional Development Committee

Comprised of a NorCal Conference, Fall Symposium and Young Derm sub-committees, this committee provides leadership, coordination, and direction for relevant CME functions identified by CalDerm and/or its appropriate committees.  This committee monitors and develops CME approved programs related to medical services, medical practice, emerging medical practice trends, the application of technology to medical practice, quality improvement, and physician well-being.